Woden Valley Uniting Church, along with churches round the world, is celebrating the Season of Creation this September.

We hope that through this season we can grow in appreciation of the beauty and wonder of creation.



During September we will be asking members of Woden Valley UC and their friends and family to share photos that they have taken that reflect the beauty and wonder of creation. They will be shown here on this page and throughout the website.


We will be sharing prayers here from our weekly services.

Apprehend God in all things,

for God is in all things.

Every single creature is full of God,

and is a book about God.

Every creature is a word of God.

If I spent enough time with the tiniest

creature— even a caterpillar—

I would never have to prepare a sermon,

so full of God is every creature.

A Reading attributed to Meister Eckhart (1260-1328)


Our beautiful world is in deep trouble due to the actions of humans. We have a responsibility to take action, individually, collectively and politically.

Some members of our congregation have committed to accepting the climate challenge.

Here is a link if you also would like to participate.

During the month there will be further suggestions about how you might take action.

Reflection and Study

In this section we have resources that people have found useful during this season

Letter from Pope Francis to all people of good will on the climate crisis

The Wonder of Creation

 Flowers of Creation


Without the bees we would not have the flowers

As the earth puts forth her blossom and plants in the garden burst into flower, so will the glory of God blossom throughout creation.

All that glistens may not be gold, but all that is golden surely glistens.

Consider the capeweeds growing in your lawn. They defy the lawnmower. Yet no gardener can spin in her garden bed a wreath like this.

God's Grandeur in the Trees and Forest


Echidnas and Wombats!

Consider the birds of the air.



"We need to cultivate the ethic of care." Leonardo Boff

"The Universe is constantly in transformation." Leonardo Boff